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Le-MATH project has won the second place in th Best Research and Practice Project Awards 2015 organized by EAPRIL
Latest news for the Le-MATH Project
Become a local/national organizer of MATHeatre and MATHFactor competitions....Apply now Click here for more information....
The European Project Le-MATH announces the second competition for theatre play writing competition on the themes of mathematics and the first competition for mathematics communication script writing designed for MATHFactor competition.
If an organization or a legal person in interested to become a sponsor of the Le-MATH international competitions starting from 1 November 2014 onwards you may write to us at Sponsorship can be made on the exchange of advertisement based on the agreement found here below
Details about MATHeatre Europe 2015 Competition.
Details about MATHFactor Europe 2015 Competition.
Details about EUROMATH 2015 will be announced soon on EUROMATH's official website
Becom a member of the Le-MATH Focus Group
More information about the Le-MATH announced courses
The Le-MATH Project is pleased to announce the results of the Le-MATH Final Competitions.
The Le-MATHPresentation Competition 2014 took place during EUROMATH 2014 conference in Cyprus from April 24 to April 28. Pupils from around the world participated in the competition and here are the top presentations in each category.
MATHPoster Design Competition took place at Cyprus during EUROMATH 2014 Conference. Students from around the world submitted their posters for the competition.Here you can find the results of the MATHPoster Competition 2014 and you can download the top 3 posters.
During EUROMATH 2014 Conference which took place at Nicosia,Cyprus from 24 - 28 April 2014,the participants had the opportunity to communicate Mathematics through painting.Photos of the result on the canvas can be found here.
Download the slides of the Le-MATH Focus Group First Meeting wich took place at Nicosia,Cyprus on April 26th 2014
Opening Speech by His Excellency the Minister of Education & Culture Mr. Costas Kadis to the European Student Conference in Mathematics EUROMATH 2014
Photos from the Opening Ceremony of Le-MATH which took place in Cyprus at EUROMATH 2014 conference
The Le-MATH Press Conference took place at Hilton Hotel Nicosia on April 24th.You can view photos from the Press Conference and download the slides in (.pdf) format
The Le-MATH project receives a first prize in Romania for the best project in which Romanian schools are participating.
The finalists will receive invitation letter with details for the Final Competition in Cyprus by email.
The European Project Le-MATH announces that the deadline for the registration of MATHFactor and MATHeatre competition has been extended to 17 February 2014
The European Project Le-MATH announces the results of the theatre play writing competition. The play design is to be performed by pupils in the ages of 9-18 and the main theme is mathematics (theory, applications, history of mathematic, etc). The competition was open to all European Union citizens and beyond, and participants could be theatre play writers, teachers, trainers of all levels or specialists who could participate individually or in teams, representing themselves or their organization. Forty submissions were received by the deadline of 30 August 2013. First three prizes are awarded and eight honourable mention.
MATHFactor and MATHeatre 2014 Competitions Announcement. Click to view and to download the Promo Leaflet.
The Cyprus Mathematical Society and the Thales Foundation, in cooperation with the Le-MATH Project, the European Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Society of South Eastern Europe (MASSEE) is announcing the organization of the "European Student Conference in Mathematics-EUROMATH 2014" from 24 to 28 April 2014 in Nicosia, Cyprus
The European Project Le-MATH announces a competition for theatre play writing competition. The play is expected to be performed by pupils of the ages of 9-18 and the main theme is mathematics (theory, applications, history of mathematics, etc). The competition is open to all European Union citizens and beyond, and may be theater play writers, teachers and trainers of all levels or specialists who can participate individually or in teams, representing themselves or their organization.
Many pupils as well as parents unfortunately consider mathematics as a difficult and boring subject. Instead of studying mathematics (and other subjects) many pupils prefer to spend most of their time watching TV programmes or playing electronic games or exchanging messages with their mobile phone, exchanging pictures, exchanging videos, competing etc. One way to bring pupils back to the “playing field” of education is to use similar tools (weapons) like the “opponents”, that is to communicate the learning of mathematics in a non-traditional way, like a game through theatre or competitions similar to the well-known X-Factor and other.